TFDC Chapter 221.1

Chapter 221.1 - Asking to marry her

Xiaohou Qing’s words fell and the whole hall fell silent.

The emperor’s face also completely darkened.

Even the empress to his side froze.

They looked at Lou Qingwu who had her eyes lowered as the empress’ brows furrowed.

Luckily, her son decided to announce he wouldn’t marry after Miss Shangguan’s death, stopping the emperor from randomly marrying him off to anyone.

Otherwise, if her second son also stepped in tonight …

That really would’ve made things interesting.

Even though Qingwu, this child, was good, it was a pity that she was such a calamity.

Originally, whether the Night Prince or the third prince married her, it would’ve been fine.

The empress wouldn’t have agreed to marrying her off so far away to Xiliang because after all, they weren’t familiar with Xiliang country and she’d always feel a bit guilty towards her.

So when the emperor mentioned Lou Qingwu’s marriage, she didn’t agree at first.

But the emperor’s stance was too strong so she could only reluctantly agree.

However, after tonight's show, maybe the emperor was right.

Marrying Lou Qingwu off far away was the best way to stabilise the current situation, ti was the best way.

The silence of the banquet was a bit scary as the disguised Xiliang Mubai’s mouth jerked.

Hmph, it was just some ugly monster, was the Night Prince and third prince both blind?

In front of him, Shu Yunyan watched the scene and also grew silent.

Behind him, Xiliang Mubai laughed coldly.

Shu Yunyan suddenly seemed to have thought of something, turning around to face Xiliang Mubai, “Amongst these noble girls, which one do you like?”

Xiliang Mubai froze, “What?”

“Didn’t you say you didn’t to marry Lou Qingwu? Then go choose another one.”

“Choose whoever I like?” Xiliang Mubai’s brows furrowed.

His mind suddenly flashed to the girl he saw at Changle Lane.

It was only a pity he couldn’t find her, otherwise that type of beauty would be the person he’d aim for her.

Whatever, it was only a girl.

Marrying her would just be marriage after all.

His eyes lazily swept around the noble girls before finally seeing the most flashiest one amongst them all, the Countess of Chaoxia.

You couldn’t blame him.

Amongst all of the girls who purposely wore dimmer clothes and played down their makeup, the Countess of Chaoxia really was too eye catching.

His finger pointed to her lazily, “Her then.”

“Are you sure?” Shu Yunyan looked at him.

“It’s her alright.” She reluctantly looked alright.

Shu Yunyan nodded his head and then suddenly stood up.

He walked towards Xiliang Feiyue, respectfully bowing to the emperor, “Emperor, please listen to Yan speak a phrase.”

“Oh?” The emperor was just worrying about how to break this stalemate before hearing Shu Yunyan.

He immediately grew alert, “What is that prime minister Shu wants to say?”

“Actually, Yan came here to Dongyu, not only to find Xiliang Feiyue a marriage partner, but also because the fifth prince asked me to ask for marriage on his behalf.”

“Oh? Who is that?” The emperor’s heart jumped a bit quickly, it wouldn’t be another one after Lou Qingwu right?

“Your esteemed country’s Countess of Chaoxia, Xiahou Yiren.”

“What kind of nonsense?!” The Countess of Chaoxia originally was gritting her teeth because of Feng Yege’s words when she suddenly heard this.

She shot to her feet as her eyes were spitting fire, “I don’t want to marry that whatever fifth prince!”

The Countess of Chaoxia’s words fell as everyone’s faces grew uncomfortable, especially the emperor's.


TL note:  

Hooooo, that instant karma.

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  1. 😂😂😂😂Aaaaaand the hot potatoe was passed on😏... For now
    Ugh 😤can't wait for what's gonna happen nxt😩
    Thank you for the update🙋🙋

  2. Emperor will probably ask LQW to choose then she will choose Xiahou Qing?

  3. I have told you !!!

  4. Lol, Mubai suddenly becomes very appealing to my eyes with his choice of consort ;P

    I guess I was wrong about the Empress being one of the ones behind this, I thought she was since she looked at LQW prior. Still... I guess technically now she's in the camp that says LQW must go. =P

    1. New favourite character of the day 👀👀

      The empress feels bad for LQW but not bad enough to do something about it 🤧🤧

  5. This is getting interesting. What is the Emperor going to do so not to lose face? In the end it is all about face.

    1. Well, Shu Yunyan providing a welcome distraction was nice but ultimately, he'd throw the choice to LQW 😣😣

  6. Acaso el emperador quiso usar a LQ como peón para espiar el otro reino (?) no sé solo me pregunto.

    y FY kyahhh pidiéndola, pero también aparece el bastardo mayor... pero sabemos el resultado, ella por su odio... y recuperar a su hijo se lanzará en ese camino calamitoso... cuando debería desgarrar al príncipe de porquería que quedarse con FY...



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