TFDC Chapter 166

In light of some kinda awful reviews and how everyone wants to get to the wedding faster, I’ll be doing summaries from now on unless it’s an important scene. This means we can get a chapter a day instead of half a chapter yay.


Chapter 166 - Engrossed with women

These rumours were spread at an incredible rate, until in the end, nearly everyone knew that there was an aggrieved ghost in the Li residence.

That aggrieved ghost was from those who were suddenly killed at the Jade Rouge store, over ten people who just disappeared for no reason.

The leader of the murderers was the Li residence’s third gentleman, and the ghosts were there to demand his life.

When Li Miao received news, it was already too late to try and stop the rumours.

He was called into the palace.

-- Imperial study

“Li Miao, beloved subject, I heard that there’s something happening in your residence, lately?” The emperor flipped through folded memorandums, his face expressionless.

But when he glanced at Li Miao through the corner of his eye, his eyes were slightly cold.

Li Miao stood there with his heart pumping fast before dropping to his knees, carefully speaking, “There has been some trouble but it’s already been dealt with.”

“Oh? But why did I hear that your third gentleman has gone missing?”

Li Miao stutters

How much does the emperor know?

The emperor asks, “What do you want me to do?”

Li Miao’s sweating and doesn’t understand what the emperor was, but he’s still a bit hopeful?

The emperor won’t punish him but he still has to do something.

The emperor wants Su Gelao to retire.

Li Miao’s heart skips a bit, instantly recalling that the old general and Su Gelao were campaigning for the second prince to be crowned crown prince.

Li Miao understands, and will try to find a way to get him to retire.
The emperor is satisfied.

Li Miao’s thinking about how he used to think the emperor was only good for screwing around with women but it seems like he’s underestimated the emperor.

After all, he did become the emperor in the end, which means he isn’t simple.

The emperor’s eunuch asks why he didn’t break off Li Miao’s wings.

The emperor says he still has use for Li Miao.

The emperor knows what Li Miao did, even though he might be colluding with the third prince.

The emperor wants someone to be able to fight evenly with the second prince because he still wants to be emperor.

-- Leaning Wind Pavilion

Thousand Face bursts in, there’s a problem.

The rumours spreading around the Li residence have disappeared.

En? Lou Qingwu asks if he knows who did it.

Thousand Face isn’t sure but it can’t be Li Miao because he’s not that powerful. The capital’s too big.

Lou Qingwu calms down.

Thousand Face asks what happened.

Lou Qingwu says she probably knows who it is.


TL note:  

Summary = lazy with formatting and dealing away with the flowery language

At least we’ll have a chapter a day now~

Leave a comment and follow for more summaries and more progress xx


  1. literally doubling the release rate! ... might lose some details but eh. Better than needing to wait twice the time @_@;

  2. I much perfer the flowery language. Words are important in the emotions and thrill of any novel. Summaries can be found on the spoiler forum, so I don’t understand how some people can leave nasty comments. You’re doing a great job. Quality is always better than quantity, but some people I guess are too impatient.

    1. I concur! Don't take those nasty comments to heart. I, for one, am already thankful I get to read this novel in English. If some people don't like it, they can very well translate it on their own. But Chinese novels are notorious for their roundabout way of storytelling. Sheesh! Anyway, thanks for the not-so-angst-filled chapter!!! :)

  3. Thanks for the hard work Soupy!
    Whatever you decide I'll still support you and read your translation directly here on your site. (ã‚·_ _)ã‚·

  4. I personally prefer the actual story to a summary. It was interesting for me to watch LQ's inner conflict about FY rather than frustrating. The suffocating emotions were understandable and hard to find in the other novels I've read. I was looking forward to reading how all of this was going to build up to a wedding. Thank you for your hard work.

    1. I agree. I really liked the novel and the translation how it was. I understand that not everyone will be happy no matter what the translator does, but I would much rather have a slower release. I want to read a novel, not a script.

      Sometimes people don't know what they want. They complain about the angst and drama, but always come back for more. Drawing these things out (if its done well) leads to more tension and a higher payoff in the end. The fact that its been spoiled in the comments that they are going to be married in ~40 chapters, already ruins it a bit for me.

      There is no suspense for the translator, they know whats going to happen, and like any fan they want to share and get to the good parts. But the darkness is what makes the light more stunning. Its just as important to the development of the characters.

  5. Sorry to say this to you, but I'd rather have half a chapter each than a summary. A summary just doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel as if I'm reading a story.
    Plus I'm curious as how this story would develop.

  6. I agree with the person above, summaries can be found on the spoiler forum. I much prefer the fully translated chapters even if it takes longer to get to the wedding part.

  7. I feel the same as my previous commentors . I really like for the novel to reveal itself to me as the author intended. I like the suspense. Just like the release of the Night Prince from Qingwu's heart. I almost cried because it was so ruthless.

  8. Giacomo Alger-Francois5 April 2018 at 18:53

    As one of the people who sponsored the chapters I’m really kind of sad that you’ve decided to cut down to summaries. I think at the end of the day, as people mentioned above, anyone who can’t stand the long descriptive texts should go on a forum and find the summaries there that or not read Chinese literature as most of it follows along the same theme as this novel.

  9. With the happy ending in mind, I can keep reading through the heart-wrenching scenes. Thank you very much translator for all your hardwork! You're amazing! P.S. I still prefer the fully translated chapters. Please reconsider, Your Maj---I mean translator. *kowtows until forehead bleeds*


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