TFDC Chapter 44.2

Chapter 44.2 - Sickness beyond cure

It was too dark, so dark that she felt like something was crushing her chest and she couldn’t push it off or swallow it down.

Just like that, she was stifled to the point of fainting.

However, before fainting, she felt like she saw the dim light of a dawn spearing at her eyelids, making her mouth corners slowly curl into a smile.

Lou Qingwu watched the girl who suddenly fainted and raised a brow.

She rubbed her veiled face and turned to look at Tang Er, “Am I really that scary?”

Tang Er shook his head, not knowing how to answer: “....”

“Let’s take her back.” Lou Qingwu calmly watched in front of her as the last of the sunlight disappeared, replaced with a darkness.

She took step by step towards the underworld, a place with only darkness.

She was already beyond the point of return.

She turned around to look at the shopkeeper, looking past him to see the wedding gown hung in the middle.

It had a phoenix crown with red clouds, a dress that many girls dreamt about wearing, like moths flying towards a fire.

“Tang Er, buy that wedding gown too.”

“Yes, eldest miss.”

Lou Qingwu took the girl and Little Bell back to Leaning Wind Pavilion’s side wing.

She didn’t have any other servants in the pavilion so it wasn’t much of a hassle.

She was only curious about the relationship that this girl had with Mu Yunqing.

She didn’t forget that the string of rosary beads was exactly the same as Mu Yunqing’s.

She wrote a temporary painkiller’s prescription out and told Tang Er to grab the ingredients and then finally, did she lie down on the bed.

She looked at the girl’s face, the knife wound that couldn’t be covered even with a veil.

It was a vicious wound, one that went from her eyebrow to her face and it looked sinister and frightening.

But Lou Qingwu seemed to be emotionless as she only looked at it for a moment before turning away, looking at the extremely anxious Little Bell.

She didn’t speak and Little Bell didn’t dare to move.

Firstly, she didn’t dare to bring her miss to follow this other miss but when she said that she could heal her miss’ old injury, she followed her back.

“I can temporarily help her sickness but even if I can heal her body’s sickness, I can’t heal the sickness in her heart.”

That would require therapy.

This girl’s body was nearly completely empty, her heart sickness was also heavy and many years of depression wore down her heart.

Her organs seemed to have been damaged to the point of no repair and even living up until now, wasn’t an easy feat.

Little Bell heard “heart sickness” and her tears suddenly sprung out again as she fell to her knees in front of Lou Qingwu.

She cried and begged, “Begging this lady to please save my miss, Little Bell will do anything, even be your cow or your hose, to repay this favour!”

Lou Qingwu didn’t answer but her eyes fell on it all, indifferent and distant, “I’ll save her, but whether or not she’ll live will be up to her.”

“Thank you, miss! Little Bell will never forget miss’ huge favour even if I’m so old that I don’t have teeth!”

Lou Qingwu stood up, her fingers touching the girl’s rosary beads.

Her fingertips rubbed it and indeed, there were words carved on it.

She swiped and finally found a spot, suddenly stopping as her eyes darkened.

The side wing’s door suddenly knocked, and Tang Er’s voice sounded, “Eldest miss.”

“What happened?”

“He’s here.”

Lou Qingwu froze, light in her eyes seemed to sway as she sounded out an agreement.

Tang Er left.

He’d left for too long which would draw suspicion so as that person’s already could come back, he wouldn’t have to stay here.


TL note:

Who? Who? Who?

Leave a comment and follow to see who can shake Lou Qingwu xx


  1. thanks for today chapter....
    the cliff is killing me ........

    1. It's a mild cliff 😘

      Thanks for reading 💖💖

  2. Huhuhu...cliff is too dangerous today

    1. You're going to be disappointed tomorrow 🙇🏻‍♀️😂

  3. I'm going to guess, thousand face is back!

    1. Never! Well there was hints on the previous chapters~

    2. I accused you wrongly 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

      You're a careful reader 💕💕

  4. Thank you for the chapter 💖💖💖 I hope the girl won't suffer any more 😩

    1. There's only even more pain and suffering from now on 👀

      Thanks for reading 💗💗

  5. There are so many tragic characters ;; m ;; )) ..Thanks for he chapter!

    1. There really are 😭

      Good thing I have WNSYM as a happy alternative 💕💕

  6. Little Bell, what a loyal maid.
    Author-sama must be a rock climbing junkie, pelting us with all these cliffhangers.

    Thank you, Translator-sama!

    1. The author does the cliffhangers 😭

      (I am going rock climbing on Sunday though ayyy)


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